The possible reason why the monarch’s type of cancer has not been specified

The British Crown has remained somewhat reserved when it comes to the truth about the health diagnosis of the king Charles IIIand although it was stated that he had a type of cancer, it has not been detailed so far what type it is.

For this reason, an expert has revealed the possible reason why the royal family has decided to keep the entire medical issue completely secret, clarifying that in the past the same thing happened with other royal members.

The royal biographer Robert Hardman I talk to the magazine PEOPLE and expressed the reasons why the crown prefers to keep everything private. Although he said that ‘At the moment there is the feeling that they have been quite open with the subject of King Charles III‘, the many speculations that can be created by revealing a complete diagnosis could further compromise the health of those affected, this being a reason forceful to be closed regarding the subject.

In addition, he detailed what previously happened to royal members, such as King George VI’s lung cancer, and Princess Margaret’s lung operation. A more recent example was the princess’s abdominal surgery Kate Middletonwhich although it was announced, this was a few days later and without giving many details.

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