The revealing testimony of the ex-wife of one of the queen’s lovers, and it is not Jaime del Burgo

The story that has totally scandalized the Spanish royalty is the alleged infidelity of the Queen Letizia towards her current husband, king Philip VI of Spain, and that it would have been committed for several years while she maintained some type of relationship with the heir to the crown. As the days have passed, many secrets have been revealed in a curious book written by the journalist Jaime Penafieland in which an alleged lover of the queen, Mr. Jaime del Burgo, collaborated.

Although most of the arguments have been on the part of the latter, testimony from the ex-wife of another of the lovers of the Queen, who classified her as an ambitious woman and willing to have any type of relationship in order to achieve power.

The woman who gave another argument on the issue of the Queen of Spain’s infidelity was the ex-wife of the then director of the newspaper XXI centurywho explained that the mother of the Infanta Sofia and Princess Eleanor He achieved his power by allying himself with his boss. The discovery had occurred due to a call that originated from Mexico, where Queen Letizia had done her internship in 1995.

The writer of the book says that one day he received a call from the ex-wife of the queen’s other lover, saying that she was the director’s wife and that the Queen had left. earned his big position by allying himself with his bossthat is, with her husband, adding that: ‘She (the queen) seduced him without even respecting that he was a married man and had his 5 children.‘, which is why he has classified her as a person willing to do anything to obtain the highest power.

The book has undoubtedly left speechless not only the spanish royaltywho until now have not given any statement, but also to its followers, who have been gradually believing that this version is a reality and more so because Jaime has shown different proof that the secret love affair is. It happened in real life.

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