EZLN will celebrate its 30th anniversary in Ocosingo – El Sol de México

He Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) announced that it will celebrate its 30 years of existence in the municipality of Ocosingo, Chiapas, marking a milestone in the struggle for liberation. Subcommander Insurgente Moisés, representing the EZLNextended the invitation to various organizations and people committed to the Declaration for Life.

The celebration is scheduled for December 30 and 31, 2023, and January 1 and 2, 2024. It is noted that participants will be able to register from December 29 at the CIDECI of San Cristóbal de las Casas or directly at the Caracol Headquarters. The central event will take place at the Caracol “Resistencia y Rebeldía: A Nuevo Horizonte”, located in the municipality of Ocosingo.

Moisés specified that the program will include a cultural festival with participation by Zapatista youth and children on December 30 and 31. He January 1 2024, at midnight, central Zapatista remarks will be held, followed by cultural participation from guests from around the world.

During the event, internet service will be offered through tokens and there will be stalls selling non-specialized food. Those with special dietary and medication needs are urged to bring what they need. In addition, ambulance service and primary medical care will be provided.

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The statement emphasizes the prohibition of consumption, trade, transfer and planting of drugs in the Zapatista territories. The consumption of alcohol in any form is also prohibited, as is the display, distribution and advocacy of electoral political parties.

Originally published in The Herald of Chiapas

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