The shocking revelation about the marriage of Queen Camilla Parker and King Charles III

The british royalty It is undoubtedly the most popular monarchy currently, they have even managed to influence various political positions in some countries, but what very few see is that behind all that popularity and fame, there are people like any other, who try to maintain their privacy away from the public eye, but this is something that sooner or later ends up being revealed, but not everything always has to be bad.

Now, a shocking revelation has come to light about the marriage of the Queen Camilla Parker and the king Charles IIIa fact that surprised many among royal fans, and that is that apparently the monarch is not the solid figure he normally appears to be.

The sister of the leader of the British monarchy revealed an interesting detail about the current kings of the Anglo-Saxon country, and that is that according to the dictates Annabel Elliott in the new documentary titled «Charles III: The Year of the Coronation«, issued on December 26, King Charles and his wife Camilla are actually «opposite poles», but, however, the monarch is without a doubt their «solid rock».

«She is totally loyal and not someone who changes her mood much, she is definitely his rock, and I can’t emphasize that very well. They are the Yin and the Yang, opposite poles, but still, they shine when they are together. » Annabel assured about the relationship of the monarchs.

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