What King Charles III does at dawn and more confessions revealed by Lady Frederick Windsor

Lady Frederick Windsoror also known as the actress Sophie Winkleman, has revealed some peculiarities of the king Charles III which until now were a bit unknown. Frederick Windsor’s wife has obtained an interview for the media ‘Tatler‘ where he detailed customs that the monarch and the entire family of the British Crown have.

The reason for the interview of the actress and cousin-in-law of King Charles III was because they were going to talk about the career as an actress that she has had over time, however, it extended to sincere revelations about the members of the British Crown.

Regarding the details of the royal members, first of all, Sophie assured that they are really kind, fun and honest people and with whom she likes to share a little of her time, also clarifying that she is very good friends with all of them; However, she also pointed out the strange customs that King Charles has a way of getting up at dawn to write letters, even when he has had to work all day.

Although he did not detail much about what he could write to the king in these letters, he revealed that he cares about many things and provides brilliant solutions to the problems that arise most around him. What is true is that he gets up very early, around 4 in the morningsimply to write and write for hours.

Another of the confessions he made is that King Charles and the Queen isabel II They have been very kind people and even more so in really necessary situations, for this she gave as an example the time the Palace helped her, after giving birth to her youngest daughter and contracting a virus that left her sick for almost a year. She asserted that the monarchs were very kind and provided some cooks and ambulances at her deposition so that she did not have to worry about anything.

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