AMLO accuses human traffickers of organizing migrant caravans – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador This Thursday he accused the human traffickers to organize the migrant caravanslike the one that advances through Chiapas after leaving as the largest of the year last Sunday.

“Migration is encouraged, there is misinformation, there are also human traffickers who are dedicated to this and organize caravans to reach the United States, often not informing the people,” said the president in his daily press conference.

“And we have to continue taking care of migrants, preventing them from being in danger, avoiding risks,” he added.

His statements come during the progress of the migrant caravan that left in Christmas Eve from Tapachulaon the southern border of Mexico, with almost 10 thousand people as the largest of the year and is now in the municipality of Escuintla, in the state of Chiapas.

The advance of the caravan put pressure on the Government of Mexico during the visit this Wednesday of a United States delegation led by the Secretaries of State, Anthony Blinkenand National Security, Alejandro Mayorkasto address the unprecedented rebound in the migratory flow in December.

But, questioned by a journalistthe federal president rejected that the group of migrants was still so numerous, pointing out that it has dispersed.

“In the case of this caravan, they have already been staying in the southeast, because you talk about 8 thousandI think today’s report is already one thousand 500which they informed me a moment ago today,” he asserted.

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The group is advancing while this December, historic numbers of people seeking to enter the United States are recorded at the border with Mexico, where US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) confirmed on Tuesday the arrival of more than 2.2 million migrants from January to November.

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