Mexico and the US agreed to open crossings and normalize the border after their meeting – El Sol de México

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said this Thursday in his morning conference that United States and Mexico They agreed to “normalize” the situation on the border and open passages for railways and bridges.

The president said that the meeting dealt especially with immigration and trade relations issues, while the issue of fentanyl was almost not touched upon.

“There is more and more movement on the border, on the bridges, and that is why we have to be vigilant so that the crossings are not closed. That agreement was reached. The crossings for the railway and border bridges are already being opened, normalize the situation,” he said in his morning press conference.

When talking about the migrant caravan of Central Americans that crosses Mexicosaid that their number has been reduced and assured that additionally, due to the elections in the United States, there are those who are encouraging migrant caravans.

“There is a political issue about this election season in the United States: migration is encouraged and misinformation is created; There are also human traffickers who are dedicated to this and who organize caravans to reach the United States without adequately informing people and we have to continue taking care of migrants, preventing them from being in danger, avoiding risks,” said AMLO.

Regarding the border crossings that were closed due to the large presence of migrants, López Obrador pointed out that The United States is Mexico’s main partner“and also us for them in commercial terms.”

“There is more and more movement on the border, on the bridges, and that is why we have to be vigilant so that the crossings are not closed. That agreement was reached, the crossings are already being opened for the railway and for the border bridges and normalize the situation,” he said.

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He also commented that there was discussion about maintaining support for the countries of the Caribbean and Central America to prevent its citizens from continuing to seek migration as a means of progress.

On the other hand, the president highlighted that the US continues to help with the granting of work visas, although he acknowledged that this number is exceeded.

“A channel was opened for that purpose, sometimes the established procedure is exceeded. They have allowed the entry of an average of 30 thousand migrants per month, however they are exceeded because there are also many needs in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean, there is poverty and people seek better living and working conditions with migration,” said AMLO.

Finally, the president explained that the meeting did not discuss fentanyl trafficking much and talked more about cooperation.

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