Toni Mauri: what is the bacteria that the actor has in his lungs? – The Sun of Mexico

The Mexican actor Toño Mauri has generated concern after his health has been compromised by a bacteria which is damaging your lungs.

It is worth mentioning that previously Mauri He had received a lung transplant and is now infected by the bacteria Mycobacterium abscessusor at least that’s what he explained in a multimedia interview.

“It’s a bacteria called Mycrobacterium abscesus. Which is usually in contaminated water. The treatment is very strong,” she said.

The actor explained that even his wife places a catheter under the skin, in addition to antibiotics, among other remedies.

Furthermore, Toño explained that although the treatment causes nausea, among other discomforts, it is preferable to confront the disease than to let it develop, as it could cause pneumonia. After previously suffering with COVID-19the actor asked not to let our guard down because there are many infections.

What is Mycrobacterium abcesus?

According to a study by the University of the Andesthis bacteria is made up of rapidly growing mycobacteria (RCM) and includes emerging multi-resistant pathogenic species that cause localized and disseminated infections and even nosocomial outbreaks due to contamination of medical equipment.

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The academic institute added that in recent years there has been a striking increase in infections due to Mycrobacterium abscesus. Which is worrying because it can cause chronic lung disease, post-traumatic wound infection, and disseminated skin disease, mainly in immunosuppressed patients.

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