AMLO welcomes Canada’s condemnation of Ecuador, after breaking into the Embassy – El Sol de México

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, president of Mexico, celebrated this Friday that Canada has reconsidered its position and condemned the irruption of the Ecuadorian police in the mexican descent from Quito, Ecuador, to arrest the former vice president of that country, Jorge Glas, who had an arrest warrant.

“It’s good that the government of Canada modified its position! Because, like the government of the United States, nothing more than that Canada’s first statement was even worse than that of the United States, because Canada’s first statement spoke of the Possibly, it had an ‘apparent’ word, when they entered the embassy, ​​when they raided the embassy and, they made an apparent violation of international law. But, it’s good that they already (corrected),” said the president, recalling that both of Mexico’s partner countries had maintained an ambiguous position to condemn the violation of the sovereignty of the Mexican embassy.

Yesterday, Thursday, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada indicated that it reported that I ask “to review in detail the videos of the unauthorized entry of the Ecuadorian authorities into the Mexican embassy. in Quito on April 5” and condemned the entry of Ecuadorian security forces into the Mexican embassy in Quito.

In addition, he asked Mexico and Canada to dialogue to resolve the conflict.

During the morning of this Friday, López Obrador recalled that he had sent the United States the videos of the Ecuadorian police entering the Mexican embassy also so that they would condemn the incident: “after we sent a fragment of the videos that we assume there was not seen President (Joe) Biden, and when they saw what had happened in the White House, Mr. (Jacke) Sullivan, Security Advisor, came out with a position of condemnation, very different from the first statement, which was very ambiguous.” said the Tabasco native.

“In the case of Canada, the same, yesterday, there is a more energetic statement, attached to what happened,” the Mexican president stressed.

He stressed in his press conference that his government He is going to wait for the International Court of Justice in The Hague to resolve Mexico’s lawsuit for the assault on the Mexican embassy in Quito.

“So what’s next? We have to wait for the International Court of Justice to rule on our claim,” she added.

In addition, recognized the position of the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, regarding the fact that it should be the member countries within the organization that it presides, who define whether or not Ecuador should be expelled from the UN, as Mexico demanded.

“And Mr. (António) Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, is right when he says that this is also up to the member states of the United Nations organization to resolve. So we went to the Court of Justice, We are asking that Ecuador be suspended from the United Nations, as long as they do not speak out and recognize that they violated the international law of our sovereignty.. That’s what we want”.

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According to the reparation for the damage caused by the illegal entry of the accusatory police into the Mexican embassy, The president said that, first, “if they consider it fair and pertinent,” the International Court of Justice in The Hague, “will ask that Ecuador suspend its rights as a member state, as long as it does not speak out and offer an apology and the commitment of non-repetition, but also what we want is for the United Nations decision to expel any member state that violates international law and that violates the sovereignty of countries and their embassies to become doctrine,” said the man from Tabasco. .

He stressed that in the event that this is repeated, in any part of the world, if the International Court of Justice so deems it, the matter will go to the UN General Assembly and, I put it to the consideration of all countries, that they vote and, “if it is decided that the country that acts in violation of international rights should be expelled, the United Nations Security Council cannot exercise its right of veto, nor can any of the 5 countries that have the right to veto do so,” he concluded. .

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