AMLO will broadcast Mexicana’s first flight in the morning – El Sol de México

The Government of Mexico reported that it will broadcast during the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López, this Tuesday, December 26, the takeoff of the first flight of the new military passenger airline Mexicana de Aviación.

The Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), through the General of the Airport Group, Sergio Montaño, reported that the first Mexicana flight will depart from the Felipe Ángeles International Airport, heading to the recently inaugurated airfield in Tulum, Quintana Roo.

Montaño Méndez explained that during the president’s conference in the Treasury Room “a remote link transmission will be carried out, on the occasion of the restart of operations of Mexicana de Aviación from the Treasury Room of the National Palace with the Felipe Ángeles International Airport ”.

Mexicana de Aviación, began its operations in 1921, in Tampico, Tamaulipas. But its workers went on strike in 2010 due to the financial problems the company was facing and in 2014 it was declared bankrupt.

In 2023, President Andrés Manuel López agreed to buy the name of Mexicana from the striking workers of said company and has proposed that the military airline provide low-cost travel for the population. But also, that it forms an integral part of the national transportation system, along with the Mayan Train and the construction and renovation of airports, to promote tourism.

The new Mexican Aviation company was established on June 15, 2023 and is planned to have flights from AIFA to: Tijuana, Monterrey, Puerto Vallarta, Mérida, Mazatlán, Campeche, Chetumal and Tulum.

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