Covid-19 cases increase during the Christmas holidays – El Sol de México

Since the beginning of the end of year partys the Suspected cases of Covid-19 increased in Mexico, but in the last two weeks the proportion of people who tested positive for the pandemic disease virus doubledgoing from 3 to 6 percent, reports the Ministry of Health.

In the last month, Covid cases increased by 13,559 casesThat is to say, in the accumulated cases they went from 381,865 people infected with SARS CoV2 to 395,424 people.

From November 26 to December 21 only 5.1 percent of cases were confirmed totals of patients who reported symptoms related to Covid, given that only in them were PCR diagnostic tests performed.

Four weeks ago, the number of people who had the disease confirmed was 19,615 and in this period another 375 people were added, which meant that there are now 19,990 patients.

The epicenter of the disease continues to be Mexico Cityas at the beginning of this comparison, only now the infection has spread throughout the metropolitan area, to extend to the State of Mexico and reach Puebla.

Nuevo León was no longer in second position and Querétaro was no longer among the first five entities with the highest concentration of the pandemic. Now Jalisco has joined, meaning entities with large cities are in the focus of Covid.

“When comparing the 2023 epidemic curve of cases with the last three years, a lower disease burden is observed,” said the Ministry of Health when releasing the most recent Covid report.

The reduction in cases is mainly due to the increase in vaccination, but above all due to the high levels of contagion, as revealed by the INEGI Health Survey, which reported that 112 million people in Mexico had had contact with the virus. virus.

The most affected age groups are those over 65 years of age, followed by 60 to 64 years of age, 55 to 59 years of age and 50 to 54 years of age, meaning that the population at greatest risk is 46 years of age.

The distribution by sex shows a predominance in women.

In the accumulated 2023, the distribution of cases classified by type of patient shows a predominance of outpatient cases and by age groups, the analysis shows a less severe behavior of the disease in those over 10 years of age up to 65 years of age.

The population at risk is those under 5 years of age, as well as those over 65 years of age, who are those who show a more serious profile, due to the need for hospitalization.

While 46,270 suspected cases of viral respiratory disease were reported, of which 3,591 cases of influenza have been confirmed.

Acute respiratory infections decreased 7.6 percent, going from four million 323 thousand 710 cases to three million 994 thousand 612 from 2022 to 2023 in the winter season.

As for other respiratory viruses, in particular the syncytial virus that caused an increase in diseases among minors, for just over a month, this week there was a reduction in cases, although there are already 1,915 cases in the season, and affects children under 9 years of age.

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