Artificial Intelligence is changing the way we travel – El Sol de México

Acapulco, Guerrero.- The Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in tourist industry for various tasks, including facilitate trip planning in a shorter time.

Companies like Google or are based on this technology to guarantee your users a better experiencesafer and more economical, when planning your next adventure.

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During the recent edition of Mexico Tourist Marketmade in Acapulcothe internet giant showed the new functionalities that are integrated into the Search Engine, Maps and Business Profilewhich are supported in AI for the trip planning.

These functionalities will not only allow travelers to find, compare and easily choose bus routes between citiesfor example, or verify the hotel availability as well as receive recommendations based on your preferences, but they will give them translations in real time when they are in latitudes where another language is spoken.

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Luis Roncesmanager Google Mexico Product Communicationsaid that one of the company’s main innovations in terms of technology and travel is Circle to Searcha tool powered by AI to perform searches based on an image that is displayed on the screen of a smartphone.

“It has a lot to do with language translation. When you go to a different country, like Japan that is in trend, and you do not understand the menus or you want to search for the lyrics of some local music, what we do is activate Circle to Search to translate immediately without having to change screens. The button generates an automatic translation based on AI“explained the manager.

The tool has the objective of performing searches within the content that is being viewed on the screen, either through Web navegation, on a social network or a photo, without having to change applications. Thus, the user can find details about some element of your tripfor example a photo of a building or a square, immediately.

Google showed the new functionalities that are integrated into the Search Engine, Maps and the Business Profile, which are supported by AI for travel planning

In accordance with Roncesthese types of tools will make travel experiences increasingly easier.

“When people listen Google want to know more about how the technologyas the AIto travel experiences,” he stressed.

It should be noted that this newly launched feature is available only for some devices, such as the series Samsung Galaxy S24 and S23but according to Ronces, Google is working to make it usable on all devices Android and iOS soon.

This is just part of what Google has presented in terms of innovation with AI for travelers.

Recently, the Californian company announced that as part of the generative search experience (SGE), users of their platforms can plan trips and create itineraries with the help of this tool.

Thanks to the AIusers find general descriptions and Website links in search results with multiple perspectives about the queries made.

So, when someone asks Google plan a three-day trip to some destination, they will get a sample itinerary that will include attractions and restaurants based on your preferencesas well as a general description of the options of flights and Hotels.

Besides, Google presented new features in its search and Maps platformsfocused on providing real-time information to users about businesses.

With that, The platform shows whether a hotel is closed for the moment or if it integrates other businesses within its facilitiesas coffee shopsspas or restaurantswith details and evaluations about them

Likewise, as of this week the company reports results of bus routes for transfers to various destinations within the countrywith options companies, schedules and ratesso they can be reserved instantly.

This new experience is integrated into Seeker already Google Mapsand will allow travelers to easily find, compare and choose bus routes between cities and More than 25 transportation brands will be available that offer routes throughout the Mexican Republic.

“We believe that a better search for intercity trips will help the partners of transportation to have greater exposure to potential buyers. Additionally, we are excited to announce that we are working together with online ticket sales platforms to continue boosting the local tourism economy,” the company said. ventures into AI with the virtual assistant “Sofía”

Despegar.comthe platform for travel search and reservation, will enter the world of AI with your new virtual assistant “Sofia”. This tool will be in charge of carrying out personalized searches for travelers, improving response times and options compared to a traditional search.

In interview with The Sun of Mexico, Santiago Elijovich, general director in the country of Take off, assured that Sofía is the result of many years of research and market tests. According to the executive, in addition to his own information, the new assistant AI It is nourished with data from other tools such as ChatGPT.

Sofía, which is the first assistant dedicated to travel that combines the possibility of interacting orally with an adaptive visual interfacethat means that one can talk to her and meanwhile she shows responses to the orders that the client generates,” he explained.

Another of the main characteristics of the tool is that it will be able quote trips simultaneously and perform comparisons between destinations, Hotels, flightsand other options.

“The use of AI It also confirms the focus that Take off in the technology as engine for growth and development of the industry, we truly believe that this is a turning point in the history of the company,” he stated Elijovich.

For the executive, in a world that is increasingly digitizedthe AI has become a fundamental tool for growth and innovation in various sectors.

In general terms, he added that the AI Not only is it transforming the traveler’s experience from trip planning, but companies in the industry are using it even in the experience at the destination, whether to optimize processes, customize services and create unique experiences.

According to the executive, This technology also allows tourism companies to analyze large volumes of data on the preferences, habits and behaviors of travelers.

For example, AI systems can analyze booking data, history of customers and trends of the market to anticipate the demand for rooms, flights or tourist packages, allowing firms to adjust their prices and strategies efficiently.

One of The most tangible examples of AI in tourism are “chatbots”. These systems, implemented on websites, mobile applications and even physical devices such as robots in hotels and airportsoffer customer support while answering questions, and providing personalized recommendations.

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“Really the use of technology is deeply embedded in our roots, we try to resolve everything through this channel. We believe that the launch of Sofia “It will allow us not only to boost sales, but also to improve and give more tools to our business partners, advisors or salespeople who work with us in physical stores,” said the general director of Take off.

Santiago Elijovich He reiterated that the commitment is to continue consolidating the relationship and development of the industry with digital channels.

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