Carmen Boullosa receives the Inés Arredondo Literature Prize 2023 – El Sol de México

Carmen Boullosa was recognized by the Ministry of Culture of the Government of Mexico and the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature (Inbal) with the Inés Arredondo Fine Arts Prize for Literature 2023in a ceremony held in the Manuel M. Ponce Room of the Palace of Fine Arts.

In his speech after the award was presented to him, Boullosa He recalled some of his most endearing moments with literature, from his beginnings in his adolescence, which he described as a dream. “Writing was a waking dream, doing it on sheets of paper in a clipped folder was living in a dream,” she mentioned.

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“Contrary to what happens to those who sleep and dream, the dream that was writing operated as my protection, it was my shield. I wrote and this was forming in my core, the backbone of my person. I wrote, with this I grew and became who I am,” she said.

Likewise, he also recognized the writer whose name is on the award. “I am honored andhe Inés Arredondo Award for accompanying those who have received it but above all to Inés Arredondo”, to whose children “Inés, Pancho and Ana Segovia” he dedicated the award.

“How could he capture in impeccable, clean, beautiful prose, in the rhythm and tone, in the construction, in the internal order, in the perfection of the plots? Her writing is a phenomenon while containing like a glass dam the avalanche of evil and sensitive, delicate skin,” she said about Inés Arredondo.

Boullosa is the fifth writer to receive the award, which in its four previous editions was given to Beatriz Espejo, Pura López Colomé, Tedi López Mills and Cristina Pacheco. In her career, the now recognized writer has published 18 novels, one of them “Antes”, for which she received the Xavier Villaurrutia award in 1990, as well as for “La salvaja” and “Papeles irresponsables”.

In addition, the writer who was born in Mexico City in 1954, added the award to others she holds, for example the Liberatur Prize 1996 Frankfurt, Germany and the José Emilio Pacheco de la Filey Excellence in Letters Prize 2023.

An award that recognizes women writers

Also present at the ceremony were Teacher Brenda Lozanowriter and part of the award jury, as well as Lucina Jiménez, director of the National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature.

“Given his extensive experience, the Jury considers that Boullosa “has explored a great diversity of themes and literary genres in recent decades, with which she has achieved great international resonance through her publications and has taken literature written by Mexican women far,” commented Professor Brenda Lozano, writer, at the ceremony. and part of the jury with the Doctor Annabelle López and Teacher Claudina Domingo.

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“Thank you Carmen for opening doors to the writers we follow,” added Brenda Lozano, who also highlighted “the importance of there being an award for women writers. There are very few spaces. Historically, the work of female writers has been made invisible, so these spaces are enormous,” added Brenda Lozano during her turn at the microphone.

During the award ceremony, a fragment of “Better disappear” and another of “Before” were read by actors Brian Omar and Miranda Ruiz, respectively.

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