CDMX mayoral debates: GAM’s Morena candidate does not attend – El Sol de México

The candidates Maricela Gastelú, from the Va X alliance in CDMX, and Araceli García Rico, from Movimiento Ciudadano, to the Mayor Gustavo A. Madero they shared their proposals focused on combating gender violence and insecurity in the Chilango debate, to which he did not attend Janecarlo Lozanofrom the Morena alliance, the Labor Party and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico.

They agreed on proposals on the rescue of public spaces, on the generation of support centers for women to combat inequalities and on prevention. In the political grid they launched the same call to the people of Madera “who don’t vote for none offender“, referring Lush.

In his first intervention, the candidate of the PRI, PAN and PRD, accused directly to his opponent Brunette of being a violator.

I hope that a candidate arrives, we are waiting for you here, sooner or later justice is going to come after you and make you pay the nearly 30 years that correspond to you for all the crimes you accumulate.Maricela Gastelú, Va X CDMX candidate.

Due to the absence of the Morena candidate, the Electoral Institute of Mexico City made an adjustment to the debate format, so that the minutes corresponding to him were distributed among the candidates.

What are the proposals of the GAM mayoral candidates?

In terms of violence prevention, Gastelu proposed the creation of a gender police that seeks to keep the violated woman in her domestic environment, that is, that she does not have to leave her home and that she takes the violator to the jail. He explained the need to have courses new masculinitiesequality and equity, combating bullying and self-esteem.

Another of his proposals was the creation of a women’s school for employmentwhere they offer courses lasting six months, so that women can have their own business, with friendly projects.

For her part, Araceli García said that her first two government actions will be the activation of the Gender Alert for the demarcation and improvement of the infrastructureas he assured that the mayor’s office is full of broken sidewalks, lack of lights, vacant lots, among other problems.

García Rico also promised the creation of justice centerswhich he described as places of aid where people can reach violated women to protect yourself, process your complaint or receive protection measures and psychological care.

The Citizen Movement candidate also proposed the operation of a reeducation center for generators of violence, where those who have committed these behaviors go. “If they were not educated at home, they will be educated here, because people are respected,” he said.

In matters of prevention opted for the distribution of a manual published in print, in which they mention the steps of how to prevent crime. “It will give you the ABCs of what the crime is, so that you know where to file a report, first contact defense, so that no perpetrator walks free.”

The candidates sometimes criticized the proposals or initiatives of the government in power. On the one hand, Maricela Gastelu asked not to be carried away by the term “austerity” as if it were something beneficial, because, on the other hand, what is currently happening is “austericide, we should not save and reduce the budget, but rather it should be managed, “Women and men must generate more wealth and more opportunities, that includes mayoral workers.”

The Citizen Movement candidate questioned the proposal of Janecarlo Lozano, whom she addressed to tell him that it is useless to have many cameras if they do not work, as, she stated, is currently the case.

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