Chertorivski demands to review water quality in pipes – El Sol de México

Solomon Chertorivskycandidate for Head of Government for Citizen movementdemanded that the capital administration guarantee the quality of the water which is distributed in pipes in the Benito Juárez mayor’s office and other districts, since the liquid has been delivered without specifying where it comes from or under what conditions it reaches homes.

During a tour of the Ramón Corona market in the mayor’s office Gustavo A. Maderothe emecista reproached that until now only the problems of pollution and supply of water from an electoral and partisan perspective, without guaranteeing the maintenance of the city’s water network.

“The government of this city and the federal government, instead of, as they always try to do, looking for a culprit or conspiracies, should get to work in all seriousness to solve a problem that if we don’t do it we will have the next generation of our city without water, we must approach it with all seriousness, we waste time if we are involved in conspiracies,” he stated.

Chertorivsky assured that the water network has not been attended to for three decades, so today the city faces leaks and low pressure.

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