Marwán shares “Songs for an emergency” – El Sol de México

In music, Marwán found an opportunity to create a meeting point between the strongest circumstances of his personal history and the beauty of his composition. Son of a Spanish woman and a Palestinian refugee who arrived in Spain in 1968 after the Six-Day War, the singer-songwriter liberates himself through art.

“It is a very strong story, a family history that my grandparents, my father, uncles and cousins ​​have passed through. Living a life with an absence of human rights. It is a story that enriches one’s life and makes one gain perspective regarding many things, but it also produces sadness knowing that your father has experienced things that a child should never have experienced,” said Marwán in an interview with The Sun of Mexico.

Released in January, “Urgent Lullaby for Palestine” is the song with which Marwán contributes to the social cause to which he feels committed. In addition, the writer also donated the proceeds from the song to the United Nations Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).

“A song doesn’t cure you, but it always accompanies you and makes you feel better. Helps you build a palace from rubble. You may have had an emotional fall and built a palace called song from those moments, to me it seems like an authentic gift of life,” explained Marwán, who since his beginnings, more than 20 years ago, has made it a priority to help those who live a reality similar to that of his family.

“There hasn’t been a year that I haven’t done concerts for refugees. I hope one day I become very popular and have a certain fame to have an audience that I can call on to help people.”

Cultivate music with a message

“Songs for an emergency” is the name of Marwán’s new album, in which he maintains his identity as an exponent of author songs. Writing songs and turning them into poetry are two activities that the singer-songwriter carries out at the same time. Six studio albums and three books that dissect the stories behind the albums are part of the work with which he defends the importance of lyrics.

“There is too much of not cultivating the word, there is too much empty, banal message. We need more artists who work with words, because I believe that songs that truly transcend become great,” she explained.

On this album, he ventures into collaborations with the rapper Nach, Andrés Suárez, Jorge Drexler, Juan Pablo Vega, Coti, Kevin Johansen and other artists that give him the opportunity to exploit his flexibility.

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“I think I am a very versatile artist, especially in this latest album in which I have allowed myself to bring together everything I am. I have always had a frustrated rapper inside me, a frustrated rocker, a frustrated pop singer, because the troubadour was the one in charge and everyone wanted to grab the microphone and say get out of the way, I’m coming! I have allowed myself that, all the multiple artists that I am appear,” he assured.

The content of “Songs for an emergency”, as well as his past albums, will be played at the Teatro Metropólitan this Saturday, April 13, a date with which Marwán will inaugurate a tour of Mexico in which he will visit Monterrey, León, Guadalajara, Puebla and Querétaro.

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