Claudia Sheinbaum visits Culiacán, the city where a candidate disappeared yesterday – El Sol de México

Culiacán, Sinaloa. Claudia Sheinbaum arrived at a scheduled rally in downtown Culiacanjust hours after Luis Alonso García Corrales, candidate for municipal councilor, disappeared by the Sinaloense Party (PAS).

Upon arriving at Culiacan It is observed that the unsafety It is a concern, since around 10 elements of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) guardfrom two armed vehicles, the access to the city.

Before arriving in Culiacán, the presidential candidate of the Let’s Keep Making History coalition (Morena-PT-PVEM) stopped in Los Mochis to hold a press conference and there she referred to the disappearance of the candidate.

“We hope it appears very soon, we trust that it will be like that. Governor Rocha is working well and has the support of Mexico, but it must be mentioned anyway. Our solidarityand we hope it is resolved very soon,” said the presidential standard bearer.

In Sinaloaaccording to a report from Integralia Consultores as of April 1, 2024, there have been recorded three attacks against candidates to a popularly elected position, all of the opposition; Given this situation, Claudia Sheinbaum focused on part of her first public appearance in the entity to comment on her security strategy.

“We are going to strengthen the security policy with two axles. The first is with “Attention to the Causes”, although our adversaries say that attending to the youths It is minor in terms of security, it is the most important thing, remove social basis from crimethat young people have life options based on access to rights, it is not about opportunities, but about access to rights.

“And, on the other hand, advancing in Zero Impunity, what does it mean to advance in Zero Impunity? It means strengtheningnot only of the preventive institutions security, such as the Police and the National Guard, but also in the role of the Prosecutor’s offices and in the Power of attorney”Said Sheinbaum.

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