Complaints about health in CDMX will now be analyzed by the CNDH – El Sol de México

The bad treatmentslack of attention and others violations of the right to health of the capital’s residents will no longer be investigated for Human Rights Commission of Mexico City (CDHCM)due to the incorporation of the capital to the federal IMSS-Wellbeing program.

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The president of the local organization, Nashieli Ramírez Hernández, assured that federalizing the Health services It reduces the powers of the capital Commission, because if a citizen presents a complaint regarding health, it will only be channeled to the National Human Rights Commission (CNDH).

“We had the capacity and competencies to address their complaints and their efforts. Today, from this transfer, we are not going to do the same thing we did, what we are going to be able to do is channel.

“When we receive complaints that have to do with the service, they will have to be sent to the CNDH. We would no longer have, for example, the ability to do research on violation of rights”, he detailed in an interview with El Sol de México.

In 2023, the second inspectorate, which deals with matters related to security services health in hospitals, prisons and specialized clinicsreceived 517 complaints, of which 263 were concluded and 254 are in process, so its investigation will continue.

Ramírez Hernández mentioned that the majority of complaints are from people deprived of their liberty and then from the general population, mainly from hospitals General Balbuena, General La Villa, Regional of Iztapalapa and General of Xoco.

“People deprived of their liberty have more access to the Commission for issues that have to do with their medical care.

“That does not happen in the open population, we are still in a process of awareness,” mentioned the ombudsperson.

The president of the CDHCM He stated that the federal agency will attract labor issues in ehe health sector capital and those related to the right to healthas long as they are not preventive.

According to the organization, once the transfer to the IMSS-Wellbeingnew complaints will go to the CNDH.

On January 1, the government of Mexico City reported that progress was made with the administrative delivery of 34 hospitals to the Federation. In March he anticipated that the transition to IMSS-Wellbeing.

The capital will maintain disease prevention and health promotion services health, prison medical services and clinics specialized in sexual health. The local Commission will continue to investigate complaints about them.

“We are not going to beat them, we will continue making the first filing of the complaint,” clarified Ramírez Hernández.


In its 2023 Activities Report, the CNDH specifies that it concluded 20,667 complaint files, of which 82.7 percent were alleged human rights violations. The year ended with 5,451 files in process.

The document indicates that the IMSS was the authority most pointed out by the complainants. In the top 10 of the main allegedly violating acts are the failure to provide medical attentionomitting to give medications, deficiency in medical proceduresamong others.

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Regarding the complaints that the CNDH from Mexico City, Ramírez Hernández considered that the organization has to guarantee attention to the residents of the capital, as well as people from other entities that join the Federation.

“The National comission He will have to take charge and if right now he does not have the capacity to do so, I imagine that he is seeing how he is going to build those capacities, because it is his obligation,” he said.

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