Composers celebrate the declaration of the bolero as a world heritage site – El Sol de México

History says that the bolero as gender musical born in Cuba in 1883 and in 1920 it gained strength in our country with Yucatecan composers and other Mexican states who created lyrics that became known in Mexico City through the trios and soloists that performed in the studios of radio stations. XEW and XEB; also, later, in the plots of films and on television.

After being declared the bolero Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and with the precedent that for seven years the musician and singer Rodrigo de la Cadena has created the World Bolero Festival from Mexicocontemporary composers share their vision about the genre that has created the most beautiful love songs.

Martín Urieta, president of the Society of Authors and Composers of Mexico, reviews the history of the bolero in an interview with The Sun of Mexico. “The bolero is from Santiago de Cuba and came to Mexico with a dance. From there he went to Yucatán where it is said that Mexican boleros were born with a composer, Armando Villa, which was written by the first to transcend borders. I know that that bolero is cute brunette.

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“From this great UNESCO distinction, we hope that electronic and digital media will place more emphasis on boleros or, failing that, that new voices from trios, soloists or groups will take them up and make new arrangements for them and make them known.” , he expresses.

“It is very gratifying and surprising that the bolero is declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity“It is a well-deserved gift for Mexico,” adds singer-songwriter Paty Cantú, who has composed several songs with the theme of love.

“It is a well-deserved reward for this Mexican cultural legacy,” he adds. “I have had the fortune with my work to travel to many countries in the world, I have seen that if there is a genre and a sound that immediately identifies us, it is the bolero, and not only does it identify us with a folklore theme, but of poetry, of romance, of history and the greatest composers in Mexico are of boleros.”

Maintains the legacy of his parents

Tomás Méndez was a composer of brave music, but in his repertoire there is also a bolero that was known in the voice of Los Dandys, titled Suspenso infernal, reports his son, Tomas Mendez Juniorfor whom “it is a blessing that the bolero is declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, How good, because it has very classy lyrics and rhythm, a lot of romanticism, respectful lyrics and it transmits many emotional things straight to the heart. It is a great example of what can happen with good music.”

Another heir of a great composer, Álvaro Carrillo Junior, whose father is credited with the title of “the author of the most beautiful bolero”, for his composition Taste of me, specifies that although, “it is true that the bolero was born in Cuba”, the development of the genre occurred in our country.

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“From Mexico with its creators, we disperse it in the world, through the radiothe televisionhe cinema. My father performed several of his boleros internationally. The SACM I had been fighting for more than eight years not only for the bolero, but also ranchera songs and many romantic ones and well, there was already a response. Of course, we, as heirs, are always concerned and disseminating the catalog that our parents generated, but with or without dissemination the bolero It continues because people continue to interpret it.”

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