Elections can be annulled due to the intervention of crime, warns TEPJF magistrate – El Sol de México

He Judge Felipe de la Mata Pizaña warned that an election can be annulled by events related to the organized crimethis in response to the concern of the political parties on the intervention of criminal groups in the elections on June 2.

In a press conference, Judge De la Mata Pizaña, who has warned on different occasions about the problem that organized crime represents in the election, explained that the law establishes cases in which a vote can be annulled. choicewhich includes the rape to the general principles of the election or by generalized violence.

“When asked if an election can be annulled due to events related to the organized crimethe answer is: without a doubt,” he said.

He magistrate He indicated that annulment is the last scenario contemplated, as he said that the necessary decisions must first be made so that annulment does not occur, since if that scenario were reached, it would have “failed as an electoral organization.”

Regarding the electoral reform of the President Andrés Manuel López ObradorJudge Felipe de la Mata Pizaña indicated that legislators have to be very careful, as he warned that there would be an impact on the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF) and several bodies, such as the local courts that the presidential initiative seeks to eliminate.

De la Mata Pizaña added that the best electoral reforms have occurred at the end of a presidential six-year term and by consensus of all political forces, contrary to the current case in which the reform is presented seven months after the end of the mandate of Lopez Obrador and with express rejection by the opposition parties.

Meanwhile, the Judge Mónica Soto Fregoso He said he expected greater responsibility from Congress of the Union and that open forums and parliaments be generated as has been done with other reforms.

“Hopefully now we will also be given that opportunity to be heard in the Congressand there we will surely express our opinion,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Judge Felipe Fuentes Barrera He spoke out against the disappearance of the local electoral courts proposed by the president.

“I spoke out for the need for electoral justice to prevail at any local level because federalism is one of the principles that should guide us and it is the justice closest to the people,” he expressed.

Judge Fuentes Barrera urged the deputies to reform the Means of Challenge Law so that complainants do not have the entire responsibility of proving a violation of electoral law.

“What I think we should act on immediately is asking the Congress that can modify our legislation regarding media challengeit is a backward law, it is a law that does not provide for the instrumentalization of technological advances, for example, and that also obliges whoever presents an appeal or a means of challenge to prove the facts,” he said.

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