Gustavo Cisneros, the Venezuelan magnate owner of Venevision, dies – El Sol de México

Caracas, Venezuela.- The media conglomerate Cisnerosone of the most renowned companies in the Latin American entertainment industryannounced on Friday death of its president, Gustavo Cisneros Rendilesat 78 years old.

He Venezuelan media mogul He had turned his family business into a global player and remained president until his death.

Venevision informs with deep regret the death of the president of the Board of Directors of Cisneros, Gustavo Cisneros Rendiles, an exceptional leader who transcended business, characterized by his strategic vision and commitment to innovation,” the company said in a statement on social network X.

The cause of his death was not revealed.

During his career he signed agreements in various sectors and expanded the Cisneros group. In 1992, Cisneros co-founded Univisionthe first Spanish-language media company in the United States.

In 1995, Cisneros also launched DIRECTV Latin America, the first fully digital satellite television servicely direct from Latin America.

Cisneros, in addition, had investments in a baseball team and a brewery in Venezuela. For years it was in the ranking of the most rich men of the region.

Political figures, business and industry mourned his death. The Unitary Platform, which brings together Venezuela’s main political parties, said it “joins the mourning that afflicts the Cisneros family.”

While, Fedecámaras, the largest Venezuelan employers’ associationexpressed his “deepest regret at the death of Cisneros”, recognizing him “on a national and international level for being a successful businessman.”

From the Archdiocese of CaracasCardinal Baltazar Porras lamented the death of Cisneros, calling him “a businessman from our country, a media man and technological promoter of one of the important free-to-air channels in Venezuela: Venevisión.

The United States Embassy for Venezuelabased in Bogotá, also expressed its condolences to Cisneros’ family and friends, describing him on the social network X as “a man of great vision and contributions to society.”

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