Gypsy Rose Blanchard case, the young woman who killed her mother after years of abuse – El Sol de México

Gypsy Rose Blanchard He assured that he regrets having killed his mother, Dee Dee Blancharda woman who physically, mentally and emotionally abused her by forcing her to undergo various medical procedures and to lead a life of supposed illnesses.

“If I had another chance to redo everything, I don’t know if I would go back to when I was a little girl and I would tell my uncles and aunts that I am not sick. and that mom is the one that makes me sick (…) or if I could go back to the point of that conversation with Nick and say: ‘You know what? “I’m going to go tell the police everything,” the young woman said in an interview with People.

What happened to Gypsy Rose?

From a very young age, Dee Dee forced Gypsy to be in a wheelchair by a suspected muscular dystrophy even though she could walk without problems, to undergo unnecessary medical procedures such as use of tubes and multiple injections and even shave his head after claim that his daughter suffered from leukemia.

“Obviously I knew that I could walk and that I didn’t need a feeding tube, but everything else was a big confusion for me,” added Gypsy, who will be released from prison on December 28.

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After years of abuse and false illnesses, Gypsy came up with a plan with her then boyfriend Nicholas “Nick” Godejohn, from kill dee dee. Both were convicted and sentenced to prison for their respective roles in the murder.

During the investigation into the mother’s murder, it was determined that Gypsy was a victim of Munchausen by proxya mental illness in which a caregiver, usually children, invents false symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it appear that the child is ill.

Gypsy was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the murder of Dee Deebut was granted parole in September, two years before his 10-year sentence expired.

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The story of Gypsy and Dee Dee Blanchart inspired the movie Mommy Dead and Dearest, by HBO and also The Act, which came out in 2019. Now that he will be released from prison on December 28, the premiere of The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard next January 5th.

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