In 11 years, 30 FGR agents were murdered – El Sol de México

In the last 11 years they have murdered 30 agents of the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) in different states of the country, mainly in Warrior, Guanajuato and Michoacanthe institution revealed to The Sun of Mexico.

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The majority of the crimes occurred during the government of PRI Enrique Peña Nieto, with 16 cases; while in the administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador sum 14 homicides.

Through a request for information via the National Transparency Platform, the Prosecutor’s Office reported that of the total number of homicides of police officers FGRonly three are in the judicial stage, -With which 90 percent are unpunished—.

The deadliest year for this institution was 2021with six uniformed officers murderedaccording to records from December 2012 the same month of 2023.

According to the data provided by the Prosecutor’s Office, the municipalities of Chilpancingo and Acapulcoin Warrior; Celayain the state of Guanajuato; and Keepin the entity of Coahuilathey concentrate the highest number of murders of elements of the FGR, with a total of 12.

Almost all the crimes were against investigative agents and federal public ministries assigned to the delegations of the agency in the different entities of the Republic.

They also occurred three homicides against two commandersone in Veracruz and another in San Luis Potosi; Besides of delegate of the institution in Warriormurdered on September 12 of this yearas reported The Sun of Acapulco.

Last December 5, in San Luis Potosí, two FGR agents were attacked by armed men, when they toured the capital of the entity. One of them lost his life at the scene, while the other was seriously injured. With this homicide there are two cases in the last three years in the state, according to El Sol de San Luis.

He increase in homicides of Prosecutor’s Office agents between 2021 and 2022 obeys the purpose of the policy of “hugs, not bullets” that López Obrador applied at the beginning of this six-year term, explained analyst and public security expert David Saucedo.

This security strategy consists of a kind truce with criminal groups, but now, for US pressurehas changed, so the FGR It does more investigative work to achieve arrests of high-ranking criminals and drug seizures, he explained.

The FGR began to carry out investigative work that was reflected in seizures and arrests that caused a reaction from organized crime to this turn of the federal government. Not only against personnel of the Prosecutor’s Officebut also of the Armed forces and the National Guard“, he declared to The Sun of Mexico.

According to the specialist, one of the weak points of the FGR is the lack of budget for some of its delegations in states with the highest crime rate, such as Guanajuato, Michoacán and Guerrero, which would be reflected in the lack of research.

For next year, the FGRheaded by Alejandro Gertz Maneroyou will receive a quote of 19 billion pesoswhile the Secretariat of the National defense will obtain 259 billion pesos and the Navy 71 billion pesos, according to the Federation Expenditure Budget 2024.

On the other hand, according to the National Survey of Victimization and Perception of Public Security (ENVIPE) 202258 percent of the population has the perception that the FGR is corrupt. Of more than two million investigation folders initiated in 2022, only four percent reached the courts, according to the census on Prosecution and Teaching Justice of Inegi 2022.

The federal deputy for Brunette and secretary of the Justice Commission in the Chamber of Deputies, Hamlet García Almagueracknowledged, in an interview with this newspaper, that the homicides of police officers The FGR directly impacts the actions of the officials of that agency.

He added that protection and security are needed for officials of the FGR, in order for them to carry out their work against crime. “Regarding the judicialization of the cases, It is something that corresponds directly to the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic, the investigation of these crimes committed against its members It’s his responsability”.

The Jalisco legislator said that coordination is required between the Federation and states, as well as investment in security and justice agencies, to avoid this type of high-impact crimes and impunity in them; As an example, he gave the model of the Mexico City.

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“To the government of the Mexico City)with the doctor (Claudia) Sheinbaumhomicides or other high-impact crimes were not attributed to the Federation, took the bull by the horns and invested resources; For example, the city went from 15 thousand to 60 thousand cameras in four years, it is one of the investments largest that has been had at the national level.”

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