In the shadow / Ignacio Mier – El Sol de México

Who lies? “The Afores are not touched, neither by the administrators nor by parties, governments, by anyone, that belongs to the workers and has a great significant value because it has to do with old age, with a decent pension for them,” said the deputy. Ignacio Mier, coordinator of the Morena Parliamentary Group. The coordinator of the PRI deputies, Ruben Moreira, For their part, they warn that they will vote against the government taking resources from the Afores for the Pension Fund for Wellbeing, since that is workers’ money. This week the discussions about it will increase in tone, and clearly, someone is telling lies.

In the shadow…

This weekend thousands of people marched on the Campeche boardwalk towards the Government Palace in support of the state police who have remained in protest for 28 days at the facilities of the Secretariat of Citizen Protection and Security (SPCS). Protesters demand the resignation of Marcela Muñoz Martínez, head of the agency, accusing her of being the intellectual person responsible for a failed operation that resulted in at least 50 injuries on March 15. During the march, civil associations collected signatures for a political trial against Muñoz Martínez. Banners and canvases expressed rejection of her and the governor Layda Sansores, while chants such as “Fuera Layda” and “The people woke up, Morena has already died” were heard. The demonstration coincided with the start of state and municipal campaigns.


That Evelyn Salgado Pineda, the governor of Guerrero, no longer knows where to pay for advertising that highlights the benefits of the state, especially these days when attention is focused on Acapulco, for the recent meeting of the tourism industry, and for the bankers’ summit that is already starting this week. And everyone says that the truce between criminals who ask for money from transporters is over. This weekend at least four public transport units were set on fire. Her father, Don, is very upset. Felix, since the recommendations that have been made to him to prevent this from being published in the important newspapers of the capital have been of no use. Unfortunately for them, not even the president can cover the Sun with a finger.


Those who know say that Marti Batresthe substitute for Claudia Sheinbaum in charge of Mexico City, he is very angry, because he thought that finally being at the top of decision-making, as if by magic, would turn out to be like a day of celebration in the Zócalo. The bad thing is that they left the capital in a very bad way and he has not managed to put the failures of the 4T under the carpet of his speeches, tweets, recognitions for dentists and improvised dances.


What’s more, not even the arrival of Interpol has reduced the pressure on the criticism that every day makes him hide more and more behind his colleagues and the President of Mexico himself. The most recent chapter that everyone will remember is his way of disregarding the dialogue with the inhabitants of Benito Juárez who receive contaminated water in their homes, instead of drinking liquid. Although he continues to say in his public presentations that for him the most important thing is the people. Will it be true Marti?


That Google, under the command of Pichai Sundararajan, has deployed a strategy that calls into question its commitment to journalism and the free circulation of information. By announcing its test to remove links to California news sites in protest against the possible passage of the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA), the Mountain View company demonstrates its position against a fair system of compensation for the media Communication.


This measure, described by the company as a defense against what they call a “link tax”, seems more like a maneuver to protect their own financial interests than a genuine effort to support the newspaper industry, as they announce at the slightest provocation in the newspapers. poor and technology-less countries in Latin America. Google’s rhetoric about the financial unviability of the CJPA and the supposed business uncertainty that its enactment would generate seems more like a pressure strategy than a constructive dialogue.


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