Insurers estimate 11,424 million pesos in first compensation for Otis – El Sol de México

Two weeks from Hurricane Otis in Acapulco, Guerrero, compensation for some goods and vehicles is around 11 thousand 424 million pesosrevealed the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS).

According to the agency, this amount is the result of the first estimates by the country’s insurers and will be adjusted based on the valuations that are still in progress.

In a statement, the TO MY He explained that until now the insurance sector has registered 12 thousand 35 accidents reported by its policyholders, of which 49 percent correspond to damage insurance policies and 51 percent are auto insurance.

“The insurance industry has three times the level of solvency required by Mexican regulation, so it is strong and solid to respond to the commitments it has acquired,” the institution stressed.

Regarding the Hotelsat the moment they have been registered 82 accidents who have coverage hydrometeorological risks, and advances and advances have already been made in payments for some coverage for 58 million pesos.

On the other hand, the association highlighted that there are 111 vessels insured in different types of damages and coverage, while claims to the state government infrastructure have already been attended to, of which the first valuations are for around 945 million pesos.

On Tuesday, the Secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, assured that the hotels are the least damaged buildingsso the economic reactivation of the region could occur without difficulties.

“Buildings already depend on insurance companies. The most damaged are the departments, not the Hotelswhich means that we have the advantage that hotels can have a quicker recovery,” commented the official.

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According to the official, under this recovery perspective, it is estimated that in March 2024 there will be available around three thousand 500 hotel rooms.

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