Iran ends its retaliation for Israel’s attack on its consulate, but with warnings – El Sol de México

Iran has terminated its retaliation for the bombing of his consulate in Damascus with the “successful” attack last night with missiles and drones against Israelalthough he clarified that if the Jewish State responds it will counterattack.

“At this time, the Islamic Republic of Iran “It has no intention of continuing with defensive operations, but if necessary it will not hesitate to protect its legitimate interests in the face of any new aggression,” said Iranian Foreign Minister Hosein Amir Abdolahian on his X account.

“The exercise of the right of self defense demonstrates Iran’s responsible approach towards regional and international peace and security,” added the head of Iranian diplomacy.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guard attacked Israel last night with hundreds of missiles and drones, in what Tehran considered a lesson for Tel Avivin the country’s first direct attack against its archenemy in the region.

“Last night, the brave sons of the Revolutionary Guard, with the collaboration and coordination of all the defense and political sectors of the country, opened a new page in the history of Iran’s authority and taught a lesson to the Zionist enemy (Israel)” Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said this Sunday.

Warning messages

The Iranian military They described the attack as successful and stated that an Israeli intelligence center and the air base from which the fighters with which Israel attacked the consulate of Israel took off were destroyed. Tehran in the Syrian capital.

Furthermore, they were quick to issue warnings to the United States and Israel against possible reprisals.

“Through the Swiss embassy, ​​we sent a message to the United States saying that if it cooperates with Israel in its possible actions against Iran, its bases (in the region) will not have any security and we will deal with them,” said the chief of the General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, General Mohamad Hossein Baqeri.

Abdolahian extended the threat to countries in the region that have US bases on their soil.

“We warn that in the event that the airspace or territory of the countries are used by the US to defend and support the regime of Tel Avivthe American base in that country will inevitably be attacked,” said the politician.

Despite the apparent confidence, the Civil Aviation Organization Iran canceled flights from several airports across the country, including Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International, until early Monday morning.

The Iranian offensive responds to the attack against the diplomatic headquarters of this country in Damascusattributed to Israel, in which six Syrians and seven members of the Revolutionary Guard died, including the leader of its Quds Forces branch for Syria and Lebanon, Brigadier General Mohamed Reza Zahedi.

International response

Outside the country, the Islamist movement Hamas, an ally of Tehran, considered the Iranian response to the attack in Damascus as “a natural right and a deserved response.”

In Israelthe first Minister Benjamin Netanyahuassured that the majority of the missiles and drones launched were intercepted by its defenses and did not cause fatalities.

As reported this Sunday by the Israeli Army, of the around 170 drones that Iran launched last night, none reached Israeli territory; while 25 of some 30 cruise missiles were intercepted, as were almost all of the more than 120 ballistic missiles sent.

Amid the escalation of tension between Iran and Israel, most world leaders have called for containment to avoid an extension of the conflict in middle East.

While Iran has dawned to an apparent normality after the night attacks, Israel has launched new attacks this Sunday against positions of the group Hezbollahan Iranian ally, in neighboring Lebanon, which has been responded to with new launches of dozens of rockets against Israeli military posts in the Golan Heights, under Syrian sovereignty but occupied by the Jewish State.

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