It’s official: they publish a decree on the decriminalization of abortion in Aguascalientes – El Sol de México

It was already published the decree on the decriminalization of abortion in Aguascalientesin an extraordinary edition broadcast on the night of Wednesday, December 27, of Official State Newspaper.

The publication establishes the Reform to Articles 101, 102 and 103 and the fourth paragraph of Article 196 of the Penal Codein which it is pointed out that abortion is the termination of pregnancy after the twelfth week of gestation and those who are responsible for this act, They will receive a penalty of six to one year in prison and full payment of reparation for the damage and losses caused.

In the event that the woman or pregnant person only intervenes by giving her consent for another to perform the abortionone to three years in prison and a fine of 40 to 80 days will be applied.

Likewise, Article 102 establishes the forced abortionwhich consists of the interruption of pregnancy at any time and without consideration of the pregnant woman or personwhich determines a penalty of three to six years in prison and a fine of 70 to 120 days, as well as the payment of compensation for damages and prejudices, if there is physical or moral violence against the woman or pregnant person, a penalty ranging from six to eight years in prison and a fine of 80 to 150 days will be imposed on the person responsible, as well as payment of damages.

Regarding article 103, is considered to exclude criminal liability in the crime of abortion, when it is the result of culpable conductwhen pregnancy is the cause of rape or rape, when if the pregnancy is not interrupted, the pregnant person is at risk of life, when doctors diagnose that the product has congenital alterations that may result in physical or mental damage, to the extent that they may put the child’s survival at risk, provided that the consent of the pregnant woman or pregnant person.

This decree is valid as of December 28, 2023, that is, one day after its publication.

Note published in The Sun of the Center


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