José Mujica says he will not leave the country to treat a tumor in the esophagus – El Sol de México

Jose Mujica, former president of Uruguay, said that will treat his malignant tumor in the esophagus in clinics in Uruguay, and not in another country, to stay close to his wife, his ranch (farm) and his political colleagues. All of this, he assures, will help him recover.

Pepe Mujica indicated that does not want to leave the country because he trusts Uruguayan doctors, in addition to the fact that not afraid of dying, because “everything that is born, is born to die. You have to accept it,” he declared.

What am I going to complain about! When it’s my turn, let it be my turn.José Mujica, former president of Uruguay.

Although he is not afraid, he recognizes that tumor in the esophagus is something very complex in your case, since you also suffer from a immunological disease for more than 20 years. But, he assured that he will be active as long as his health allows it.

As long as the roll holds I’ll be there. I want to thank you and convey to the young people of this country that life is beautiful and is spent. Jose Mujica.

What is the state of José Mujica’s health?

Jose Mujica have a malignant tumor in the esophagus. According to his personal doctor, Raquel Pannone, he was diagnosed through an endoscopy because he had “some inconvenience not too important at the level of the digestive tube”.

Although the former Uruguayan president suffers from esophageal cancer, has no injuries in no other organ.

What treatment will Mujica receive?

According to the doctor, Pepe Mujica will be treated with radiotherapy, a daily treatment of five to 10 minutes from Monday to Friday. The treatment It is the least invasivebecause due to his age, the immunological disease he suffers from and his kidney failure, they ruled out surgery or chemotherapy, with which cancer is commonly fought.

The effects of radiotherapy could cause tiredness or even immunize it further.

With information from EFE.

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