Mexicana de Aviación flight lands at Tulum Airport, after 4 hours delayed – El Sol de México

Tulum. Quintana Roo. After almost four and a half hours of Mexicana de Aviación’s inaugural flight delayed landed in Felipe Carrillo Airport Port of Tulum.

Flight 1788 with 178 passengers on board landed after 3 p.m. local time, after being diverted to Merida airport.

The flight was due to land at 11:00 local time, however a fog bank It prevented the aircraft from landing despite having performed the holding pattern and flying in a circle for several minutes.

Due to the high number of airport operations at Cancún International Airport628, of which 316 are arrivals and 312 departures, had to be diverted to the airport of Merida.

The boeing 737-800 from the AIFA was received by authorities of the Felipe Carrillo Puerto airport, while the Governor Mara Lezamawelcomed the flight on his social networks, which he assured is the first of many flights that will bring more success and prosperity to Quintana Roo.

He Tulum airport It was built 32 kilometers from Tulum and 80 kilometers from Felipe Carrillo Puerto, with a 16-kilometer journey into the jungle, an area where it rains a lot and the fog banks are denser in this area. winter season.

It should be noted that military authorities have described the Tulum International Airport as a “Green” airport, while the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador He named it the Jungle Airport.

On the other hand, Mrs. Celia Espinosa Cedillo, originally from Cancun, who boasted on social networks about the flight for 399 pesos to Tulum, expressed her happiness at traveling on the inaugural flight of Mexican AviationHowever, as a sign of omen he said “Until I get to Tulum, I’m not going to believe it.”

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