Mexico condemns use of force in conflict between Iran and Israel – El Sol de México

After attack with dozens of drones that Iran sent to Israel this Saturday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) condemned the use of force between countries.

“Mexico calls on the parties to self-contain and seek solutions peacefully to avoid the generalization of the conflict in the Middle East,” the foreign ministry said.

Likewise, the Secretariat in charge of Alicia Bárcena warned of concern about “the costs that this action could have on thousands of human lives“.

What happens between Iran and Israel?

The Israeli Army confirmed the sending of dozens of drones from Iran as part of its response to the attack on its Embassy in Syria last week.

The military reported that they began to follow up on the tracking of the Iranian aerial objects in order to shoot them down, although the arrival is expected to be at 2:00 am local time.

According to the Israeli media The Jerusalem Post, the Army’s air defense is not airtight and its takedown capabilities include aircraft, Iron Dome, David’s Sling and the Arrow missile system, citing the Armed Forces.

They also reported that they have defense systems that encode the GPS of any aerial device with which they could deactivate several Iranian drones. During the announcement of the attack, Israel confirmed that it is working closely with the United States to achieve the deactivation and downing of Tehran’s air weapons.

In the last minutes, Jordan and Iraq announced that they were closing their airspace, since the barrage of drones from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard would cross through these countries, in addition to Syria and Lebanon. Israel reported that its air zone would also be closed in the next few minutes.

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The authorities of Israel They have also expressed concern that long-range ballistic missiles could be fired, and not only from Iran, but also territories where pro-Iranian armed groups operate, such as Lebanon or Syria.

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