Migrants in Ciudad Juárez: Cold does not stop the arrival of hundreds of migrants to Ciudad Juárez – El Sol de México

Neither the Lone Star border security operationshe barbed wire fence by Texasnor the temperatures below zerothey have been able to stop the illegal crossing of hundreds of migrants.

This morning, again Border Safety Initiative Marker (Border Security Initiative Marker/BSI 36) was saturated with hundreds of people waiting to surrender to the Border Patrol.

a few days ago when USA closed the railway crossing the migratory flow had decreasedHowever, again Groups of between 20 to 50 people continue to arrive.

Because trucks from the Migration’s national institute On the Mexican side, as soon as there is an oversight, migrants cross running the Juan Pablo Segundo Boulevard and without thinking they cross the Rio Grande to remain on the American side.

Migrants walking on the American side They shouted that some arrived by train in the early morning and others said that in the morning but at BSI 36 there are already more than a thousand people.

In a period of About an hour they spent more than one hundred people in groups who joined the large contingent of migrants waiting at the BSI 36.

This trip is crazysaw dead people in the jungle, our president doesn’t like us“We had to flee, but we are already happy that we got here and from here onwards,” said Michelle Peñaloza from Colombia.

Although they passed Christmas and New Year’s Eve Without their families, Colombians hope that next year their situation will be better.

Published in The Herald of Juárez

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