migrants leave in caravan from tapachula – El Sol de México

A contingent made up of people of 24 different nationalities decided leave Tapachula, Chiapas looking for solutions to your irregular immigration situation that it has in this border city due to the lack of attention from the Mexican authorities.

The migrants They had been waiting between three months and a year for a procedure before the National Migration Institute (INM) and the Mexican Commission for Aid to Refugees (Comar), but due to the lack of attention they decided to leave a few hours before Christmas Eve and Christmas.

The contingent left from Bicentennial Parkinitially forming a group of around 5 thousand migrantsbut as they advanced, their number grew noticeably, bringing together more than 8,000 in the first immigration control center in Long live Mexicolocated 8 kilometers from the starting point.

Between the migrants Ysguel Sanz, originally from Haiti, who carried a cross as a symbol of his hardships, explained his decision to leave due to the difficulty of life in Tapachula

“Everything is complicated, work, the difficulty in obtaining food, how expensive the rent is and the limited access to transportation led me to make the determination to join the so-called exodus from poverty,” said the islander who dreams of a place free from violence.

He said he left his family in Haiti, including his parents and two children, to undertake this trip at the beginning of the year. However, it has been difficult for her to continue advancing towards the northern border or urban centers of the country due to the lack of attention from the INMthus adding to the difficulties faced by him and others migrants on his journey.

Pierre, also from Haiti and who carried the Mexican flaghe mentioned that it is the only way he can get out of TapachulaWell, he tried to leave but the checkpoint Long live Mexico They detained him and returned him.

“This is the reality of many migrants who We can’t leave Tapachulabecause the authorities do not let us leave here and much less give us documents to be legally in national territory and be able to travel,” he added.

He assured that his destiny is not USA and they would like to stay in Mexico, but in the center or in other northern states of the country, because in Tapachula There are many migrants who cannot find work because they do not have documents.

He stressed the need for understanding, solidarity and the search for more humane solutions so that girls, boys, adolescents, women and men of different nationalities no longer walk.

Originally published in South Journal

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