Pedro Sánchez is re-elected as president – El Sol de México

He Spanish Congress re-elected this Thursday as President of the goverment to the socialist leader, Pedro Sanchezwith 179 votes in favor of his investiture, three more than the necessary absolute majority established at 176, out of a total of 350 deputies.

Sánchez received the support of leftist parties, independentists, nationalists and regionalists with whom he reached agreements after being proposed as a candidate by the king Philip VI last October 3.

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Before the vote, the socialist leader claimed the full legitimacy of his investiture and urged the conservative Popular Party (PP), the main opposition party, winner of the July elections, to accept its defeat.

He stressed that his Government is fully constitutional as the Parliament resides representation of the Spanish.

A Government that, he recalled, has power only limited by the laws and the temporary mandate that it entails.

“The democracy It is only possible if you accept that temporary and limited defeat. This is the parlamentary democracy and this must continue to be the case if we want to preserve our free and peaceful coexistence,” he added.

It will be now Philip VI the one who formalizes the appointment of Sánchez as head of the Executiveonce the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, communicates the decision of the Chamber, which is expected for today.

After two tense investiture sessions, marked by the approval of the amnesty for Catalan independentists, Sánchez achieved re-election for his third term as president of the Spanish Government, where he must maintain a complex balance with all the parties that supported him.

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In addition to defending the amnesty before the parliamentary groups, the socialist leader presented in his interventions in Congress a program for the next legislature based on harmony, social rights and the international projection of Spain.

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