Pfizer vaccine against Covid-19 in the Red Cross of CDMX and Edomex: price and locations to receive it – El Sol de México

This December 28th, the Mexican Red Cross will begin to sell and apply the Pfizer vaccine against Covid-19 in some of its headquarters Mexico City and Mexico state.

As it is a private assistance institution and does not receive a government budget, its services are maintained by recovery fees, so in the case of the coronavirus vaccine this fee will also be requested.

How much does the Pfizer vaccine cost at the Mexican Red Cross?

The cost of the coronavirus vaccine It will have a lower price than what is offered in pharmacies and it will be 785 pesos.

The institution noted that your sale and Application will be from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 it is recommended to come early as a large influx of people is expected.

What are the Red Cross headquarters for the Pfizer vaccine?

Below we present the headquarters of the Mexican Red Cross in CDMX and Edomex, where they will be selling and applying the Pfizer anticovid vaccine.

In the Mexico City The headquarters of the Red Cross will be:

  • Polanco Central Hospital
  • Cuajimalpa

In it Mexico Stadium The headquarters of the Red Cross will be:

  • Toluca
  • Naucalpan
  • Cuautitlan
  • Lilacs

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It should be noted that the vaccine from Pfizer laboratories will be available in its versions for adults and minors, from 5 to 12 years old. For the latter, it will be necessary to present a medical prescription in which a pediatrician orders the supply of the biological.

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