PRI prepares unconstitutionality action if pension reform is approved – El Sol de México

He Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) prepares an unconstitutionality action in case the party Brunette touch the workers’ afores with the reform that he intends to approve to create the Pension Fund for Welfare.

This was warned by the coordinator of the PRI deputies, Ruben Moreira, who said that they will vote against the government taking resources from the Afores for the Pension Fund for Welfare, since that is workers’ money.

“If the initiative of Brunettethe PRI deputies will present an unconstitutionality action and help the workers defend themselves,” he expressed.

He stated that the proposal of the Morenoist deputy Ignacio Mierwould transfer the retirement savings of adults over 70 who are not active to a trust managed by the Ministry of Finance and the Bank of Mexico.

Ruben Moreira warned that the resources could be used for monumental works and expressed concern that, as they are secondary reforms, Brunette and their allies can approve them without opposition.

He said he agreed with the pensions 100 percent, but he cannot give support to Mier’s; He recalled that, if a person dies, his estate has heirs who can legally claim the resource.

The legislator recommended approaching experts like Mario Di Costanzo to receive more information in order to know if they have Afore and how to request what belongs to them; In case of death, let family members go for their money; that the workers approach their union leaders and protest, “since it is not worth taking away their money from the poorest.”

For his part, Mario Di Costanzo, a finance specialist, warned that the transfer of 10 million housing accounts and subaccountswith resources of 40 billion pesos, will be a robbery for many to help very few.

Di Costanzo explained that Mier’s initiative seeks to convert the Constitutional Reform on Pensions presented by the Federal Executive on February 5 of this year, in modifications to various regulations that guarantee a “minimum pension” of 16,400 pesos to those workers who are over 70 years old, with 750 weeks of contributions, and who are are below that amount in their monthly payments, so the benefits are not for everyone.

Those of Brunette They saw that the initial budget was unviable, given that the fund would be created with some options that cost the federation, such as the liquidation of Rural Financial or the remainder of the operation of the AIFA, Mexicana de Aviación and the Mayan Trainwhich are currently subsidized, he said.

The economist criticized that the new project does not establish how the Welfare Fund; while, in the last six-year term, the head of the Treasury promoted the recovery of savings for the senior retirement.

For his part, politician Marco Mendoza warned that with this proposal there can be no legal action against taking private money that has a first and last name, the owners will not be notified and will not have any possibility of defending themselves.

An adult who does not have a job highlighted that it does not mean that he cannot have one later, which is why he considered that the rights of this sector are violated.

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