Puebla Fair: Subject is reported for recording women’s underwear – El Sol de México

A subject recorded the clothes inside of women through a camera hidden in his shoes, during the Puebla Fair. Therefore it was reported and evidenced.

A user named Mel reported the events on social networks, where she reported that the subject was captured on May 1 around 3:50 p.m. inside the Exhibition Center.

The subject, who responds to the name of Miguel “N”, began to approach the complainant repeatedly and noticed that he especially placed his left foot very close to her. It was then that he decided to follow him to know in detail what he was doing.

In the video he shows the way he operated by standing behind the girls and leave your left footwhere he carried the camera, in the middle of the legs of the women in order to record your underwear.

After checking what she is doing, you can quickly see the girl warning the woman that she is being recorded and the suspect begins to flee. It is until the exit of the Exhibition Center that the subject is detained by the authorities and taken to the mobile civil court located inside the Fair.

Also, at that moment you can see the way in which he carries the camera hidden in his tennis shoes and how you can see the lens protruding between the shoelaces.

“At all times he was being recorded and followed inside the Exhibition Center until one of the entrances and/or exits, that is when we found some state police who very kindly proceeded to arrest the subject,” explained the complainant. “We pointed out to the officers that he was carrying a hidden camera in his left tennis shoe and when carrying out the inspection he actually had the hidden camera with which the degenerate recorded under the girls’ skirts.”

Complainant will seek to continue proceedings against harasser

The user Mel who made the complaint indicated that in the civic court of the Feria de Puebla she received adequate attention for her complaint and they made her statement of the facts, and then asked them to move to the Public ministry.

In the enclosure they had to go to the sexual abuse areawhere she states that the managers were no longer kind to her and, as on other occasions, he only received words that the complaint could take a long time or that it was a tiring process, in addition to advise you he reach an agreement with the subject, to which he refused.

The lawyer by Miguel “N” also performed at the venue and tried arrive at a agreement with the complaining victim, for the amount of 10 thousand pesos, to which he did not agree either.

“Here the question is, is my dignity worth that? Of course I refused and commented that I would continue with the process so that this sexual degenerate would not go free,” she wrote. “Don’t let it go unpunished“Today I received terrible treatment from the public ministry where they had me signing for more than nine hours and tiring them so that they would not continue with the process and I would go home with my 10 thousand pesos.”

As part of her complaint, the victim shared the social networks of Miguel “N”, where it is shown that he is professor of plastic arts at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP).

Today I call on friends, family and people in general to share what this type of damaged and introverted people who become violators do. Today it was me, but tomorrow it could be you, your mother, your daughter, your sister, your friend.Mel, complaining user.

SSP pronounces on the case

For its part, the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP) ruled on the case and reported the detention of Miguel N, 40 years old, on charges of crime of outrages to public morality.

Within his statement he indicated that the elements of the preventive state police responded to a woman’s request by telling him to make recordings with a camera hidden in his shoes. For this reason, the detainee was presented before the Public Ministry Agent specialized in sexual crimes.

After pointing out that the Immediate Care Unit for women of the SSP provided transportation and accompaniment to the complainantasked other victims to identify Miguel “N” and proceed to report him.

BUAP fires harassing teacher

After the dissemination of the video, the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) gave definitely drops to Miguel “N”, professor at the Faculty of Plastic and Audiovisual Arts, reported the social communication area to this publishing house.

Through a statement, the highest educational institution condemned the fact that the man went to the Puebla Fair with a hidden camera in order to record women’s skirts.

The BUAP emphasizes that it will not tolerate this type of misconduct that harms the social life and privacy of people, such as what a member of the institution’s teaching staff incurred. BUAP.

He reported that the case is already being handled by the Office of the Attorney General and will provide the corresponding legal follow-up.

With information from Jared Carcaño.

Note originally published by The Sun of Puebla.

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