Road blockade continues in the municipality of San Fernando in Tamaulipas – El Sol de México

He Road blockade towards the Tamaulipas border at San Fernando was reactivated because there was no agreement with State authorities.

Héctor Joel Villegas González, head of the Government Secretariat, and Antonio Varela Flores, Secretary of Rural Development, appeared at the site to invite the producers to send a commission to Ciudad Victoria and form a Dialogue Table.

The proposal was rejected by more than a hundred farmers They have been on point since yesterday morning.

“We want something firm, that they bring us a proposal or that the governor -Américo Villarreal Anaya- comes,” highlighted one producer.

“They don’t understand us” say the farmers

Farmers in northern Tamaulipas were upset because Varela Flores told them that he understood what they were going through.

“No, they are not going to understand, they know why we have told them but they have not listened to us, they are long,” said another farmer.

The blockade had been dissolved early today, it was reactivated after the visit of the officials.

“If we are interested because we are here, the support is being managed,” said the Secretary of the Interior.

Although the agricultural representative of the producers of the valley of San FernandoGuillermo Aguilar, tried to convince his colleagues to form a commission, they refused.

Why did they demonstrate?

Aguilar pointed out that it is urgent for the authorities to act because The field is in emergency.

“Right now the production and income of the farmers is at risk, it is our source of life, the countryside is our source of income, we can no longer continue with those prices,” he explained.

He reported that they require payment per ton of sorghum in 6,500 pesos, because its current value is 3,000 pesos.

“This is an emergency, of national security, we can no longer survive, a document was signed – with authorities – that they were going to guarantee us a fair price of 6,500, they have given us pause,” he explained.

“There has not been a solution, there is an electoral ban but for the countryside there is no electoral ban, in the countryside it is work all the time,” he noted.

He accused that the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador He withdrew all support from them.

“We are already fed up, definitely, we have lost patience, the field can’t take it anymore, the very low price does not compensate for the expenses and the development of the activity, profitability has already been lost,” he denounced.

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“Equity, machinery, and equipment have been lost, we are up to our bones in the bank with expired portfolios with collection centers and seed houses,” said the representative who, together with his fellow farmers from Tamaulipas reactivated the road blockade in the north of Tamaulipas.

Note published in El Sol de Tampico

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