Stray bullet wounds a child in La Ruana, Michoacán – El Sol de México

Morelia, Michoacán.- On Thursday night and part of the early morning of this Friday, antagonistic groups of criminals clashed in the possession of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, better known as The Ruanaand this fact left as a balance child injured by a stray bullet and a drone with a grenade that fell into a house.

The incident occurred at 11:20 p.m., when local residents heard the bursts of long weapons, so they took refuge in their homes and some began to record what was happening.

The inhabitants experienced minutes of panic since in addition to hearing a shooting, there were drones flying over the area, which was to drop explosives “spells”, and one of them fell into a garage of a building, and fortunately it did not explode.

Given that, agents from the Mexican Army, Civil Guard and municipal police, after which the gunmen retreated, and moments later the elements were notified about a minor, who was identified as Ismael P., only seven years old, was wounded by a stray bullet, So Sedena paramedics helped him and took him to a hospital, because the bullet was in his leg.

At the moment there is no knowledge of any deaths or arrests due to the shooting, only an operation is being deployed to maintain security.

Note published in The Sun of Morelia

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