Taylor Swift in Brazil: young fan dies during concert – El Sol de México

Taylor Swift is sweeping the entire continent with its “The Eras Tour”; Proof of this are the immense lines, the camping, and even the projection on el Christ the Redeemer upon arrival in Brazil. However, it is not all good news, since this Friday a fan died during their inaugural concert at the Nilton Santos stadium.

Ana Benavides, 23 years old, she was a Psychology student at the Federal University of Rondonópolis (UFR), in Mato Grosso, and had gone with her friends to the concert, although almost at the beginning the young woman began to feel bad, which alerted everyone around her. around.

“I’m devastated”

Young Ana went with a group of friends to the first concert of Taylor Swift which took place at the Nilton Santos stadium, in the North Zone of Rio. A friend told A Globo that during the first song the young woman began to feel bad, then she fainted and did not wake up, which has led to the belief that her death was due to heat stroke.

On social networks there were many accusations towards the organization of the event. Taking into account that it is summer in the southern hemisphere, and the sensations of heat arrive up to 59 degreesattendees criticized that they were not allowed to bring bottles of water, the hydration points and the prices were excessive despite the heat wave that plagues the Latin American country.

And at the same concert, several attendees fainted due to the high temperatures, and others vomited due to dehydration. Taylor Swift He realized this and began to throw water while performing the song. “All Too Well.”

Ana’s father, Weiny Machado53, said she hoped for a prompt and accurate investigation into the death of her only daughter who was close to graduating.

“I lost my only daughter, a happy and intelligent girl. She was about to graduate in psychology next April, saving money. I have no words to express my pain. She left home to fulfill a dream and came back dead,” he told local media.

Taylor Swift He also dedicated a message on his social networks deeply regretting the news.

“I can’t even express how devastated I am by this. I have very little information other than the fact that she was incredibly beautiful and very young. I won’t be able to talk about it on stage because I feel overwhelmed with sadness when I try to talk about it.” “I want to say that now I deeply feel this loss and that my broken heart goes out to his family and friends,” the American singer said in her Instagram account.

For her part, the event organizer Time For Fun (T4F) He said that he is taking measures for the following concerts and assured that the entry of water bottles and canned foodsalthough they will be limited.

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