The 2024 election will test the TEPJF to guarantee the legality of the elections: Reyes Rodríguez – El Sol de México

Reyes Rodríguez Mondragón, president of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Branch of the Federation (TEPJF)considered that the 2024 election It will test the jurisdictional body to guarantee the legality of the elections.

On the eve of concluding his stay in office, Reyes Rodríguez published a reflection in which he highlighted the challenges that the TEPJF next year.

“This process (2024 election) places the Court before clear challenges, typical of democratic elections, which will put it to the test to guarantee the legality of elections that must be competitive, free and transparent,” said Reyes Rodríguez.

The magistrate asserted that it is essential that the TEPJF consolidate, in the months following leaving office, its independence and demonstrate this by guaranteeing compliance with the law and the political rights of all people in the choice largest in the history of Mexico, since more than 95 million Mexicans will be able to go to the polls to choose 20,375 elected positions.

He also spoke out to prioritize the principles of independence, impartiality and professionalism to deal with high litigation, possible threats to his independence and autonomy, resistance to compliance with his decisions, among others.

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The presiding judge warned that democracies in the world face a unique moment, between disaffection, expectations and unfulfilled promises, which is why he indicated that their permanence “will depend on the effectiveness of their institutions and the democrats who within them work to make them organs of public utility and with social responsibility.”

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