They leave 900 police officers without a fortnight in Campeche – El Sol de México

CAMPECHE. The Secretariat of Administration and Finance of the Government of the State of Campeche (Sefin) let without biweekly payment to more than 900 policewhich led to claims before the agency, the Secretariat of Protection and Citizen Security (SPSC), as well as complaints to the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) and the State Human Rights Commission (Codhecam).

They also demonstrated in front of the agency in charge of state resources, nurses and administrators from four hospitals and clinicswho were not paid a extraordinary supportadding at least 150 people affected.

Likewise, as a result of the protest of the security elements affected for lack of payment, outside the alternate headquarters of the SPSC, a policewoman named Iliana Pacheco Elizalde presented a complaint before the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) for “Illegal deprivation of freedom”, since they prevented him from leaving the facilities on time.

The payment crisis of the current fortnight is part of the conflict derived from the failed operation at the Social Rehabilitation Center (Cereso) of Kobenon March 15, where at least 50 personsfor which a peaceful demonstration of hundreds of police officers began demanding the resignation of the Secretary of Security, Marcela Muñoz Martínezwho still remains in office, dispatching from an alternate headquarters, since the official one has been taken over by the dissidents since March 16.

The head of Sefin, Jezrael Isaac Larracilla Pérez had declared that this Thursday they would pay the fortnights, but the police They went to cash their checks at the SPSC’s alternate headquarters, at the Police Academy, and the undersecretary, Karla Moo López, denied everything.

“No one is being paid, they will not be paid until Monday (…) I don’t have any” checks, he told the protesters.

The response of Moo Lopez contradicts Larracilla Pérezwho had declared that the checks for 100 percent of the police officers had been delivered to the head of the SPCS Administrative Unit, Marvin Chan León.

“I understand that they are asking for an extension to be able to deliver until Thursday. The checks have been issued 100 percent, there are none that have not been issued to any police officer (…) The administrative coordination is the one who is delivering the checks. The owner is Marvin and he is the one who must deliver them,” he stated.

For their part, the Police confronted Undersecretary Moo López and they told him that Yarine Larissa López Cohuó was the one who received the checks on Tuesday, from Sefin, but the security officer He denied knowing her, and in reaction the elements published a photo where the two appear together dressed in traditional costume.

Dozens of security elements They visited the Finance offices, without receiving a response, so they went to Codhecam, where they were assisted by its owner, Ligia Rodríguez Mejía, to present their complaints.

Health workers also demand payment

Before the lack of special support paymentsmembers of a delegation of hospital workers Psychiatric Center of Kobén, Manuel Campos Specialties, General Calkiní and the Vida Nueva Center of Lerma.

Would more than 150 affectedaccording to data released by Juan Manuel Blanco Canul, belonging to the Manuel Campos Hospital.

During the police demonstration, he infiltrated to take photos and videos Heidher Efrén Can Akeinfantry corporal of the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) dressed in civilian clothes, who after being reviewed by the police presented his credentials so that they could check in their system if he was in fact an active military member.

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Also during the past March massive on the city pier, They detected and searched two soldiers dressed as civiliansparked near the Asta Bandera monument, where the tour began on April 13.

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