They rescue 118 migrants traveling in two trucks in Michoacán – El Sol de México

Elements of the National Guard Highway Section rescued 118 migrants on the Western Highway in Michoacán; There are five alleged human traffickers detained.

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During surveillance tours carried out by the uniformed officers on the federal highway, they detained the driver of a bus in which they were traveling 53 migrants from Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Vietnam, the Dominican Republic and El Salvador.

Likewise, they stopped another bus with 65 migrants from India, Pakistan, Cuba, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Nepal, Honduras and Peru.

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The detained people were placed at the disposal of the Federal Public Ministry in Morelia, who will request an investigation from the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) against the alleged traffickers. While the migrants remained at the disposal of the National Migration Institute (INM).

Originally published in The Sun of Morelia

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