They rescue 407 migrants abandoned in tourist buses in Jáltipan, Veracruz – El Sol de México

407 migrants were rescued of three abandoned buses on the section of the La Tinaja-Cosoleacaque highway, in the municipality of Jáltipan, south of Veracruz. According to the National Migration Institute (INM), all received medical attention.

The discovery was made on Tuesday, when federal and state security elements located three buses of tourism.

After reviewing them, authorities found 407 foreigners abandoned and they did not prove their regular stay in the country.

The staff of INM who participated in the humanitarian rescue help to one women originally from Honduras in the state of gestation and that she was traveling with her minor daughter, a man and another person of Ecuadorian nationality; were transferred to the Hospital General of Cosoleacaque, Veracruz.

Where do the rescued migrants come from?

The migrants come from seven Caribbean, Central and South American countries. Of the total, 91 were traveling in family groups (30 women, 15 men and 46 children under 18 years of age), in addition to 52 girls, boys and adolescents who were unaccompanied by adults.

“Of the 264 adults who were traveling alone, 12 are from Cuba; 4 of Dominican Republic27 Ecuador187 of Guatemala. 7 out of Honduras21 The Savior and 6 of Nicaragua. Said group was transferred to the Acayucan immigration station,” according to what was reported.

Meanwhile, the family units, as well as unaccompanied minors under 18 years of age, were transferred to the shelter of the System for the Comprehensive Development of the Family (DIF) of Jáltipan.

According to witnesses, among the migrants there were those who maintained that They had been abandoned for several hours, since the drivers escaped the night before, leaving them without water or food.

Furthermore, they maintained that out of fear they decided to stay on the buses, until they were finally found. The migrants were dehydrated and stressed.

Note originally published by Xalapa Diary.

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