Transporters march in Chilpancingo; They demand security – El Sol de México

Public transport drivers marched in Chilpancingo to demand the state government to guarantee their safety to resume service.

The call was made during the afternoon of Wednesday, and Citizens in general were invited to join this cry for peace in the city.

Minutes before 10:00 a.m., Rafael Julián Arcos, who is director of Negotiations of the State Directorate of the Interior, He even spoke with the protesters, who demanded security and support.

Even with this dialogue, the protesters chose to mobilize and immediately they headed to the south lanes of the Autopista del Sol, where they are marching.

Since Monday, public transportation has been suspended, after the attack on four steering wheel workers.

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This morning, the Ministry of Public Security reported that Public transportation had resumed by 20 percent.

Note published in The Sun of Acapulco

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