Trump takes the Republican inauguration in Nevada – El Sol de México

donald trump achieved victory in the Nevada caucuses on Thursday, adding more delegates on his seemingly unstoppable path to the Republican Party presidential nomination.

trump was the only major candidate on the ballot when party members gathered in public buildings across the southwestern US state to cast their votes in person.

The first results showed that the former president (2017-2021) had vastly surpassed his rival, a businessman from Texas, in votes, and the main American networks reported that Trump would take all the state’s available delegates.

It was the second time presidential preferences were voted on in Nevada this week.

On Tuesday, a primaries organized by the state in which Nikki Haley came in second on the Republican ticket.

Haley trails Trump in overall nomination race and is on track to suffer another loss in his home state of South Carolina later this month.

The former UN ambassador insisted Wednesday that she would not abandon her career. “I’m in this for the long haul,” she told supporters at a campaign event in California, according to The New York Times.

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trump He said Thursday that he thought continuing his candidacy was not a good idea, but that it didn’t bother him. “I don’t know why it continues, but let it continue,” he added. “I really do not care”.

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