What has been said: warlike rhetoric, racist actions – El Sol de México

As I noted in the previous installment, only a few days passed before, in separate events, but with a difference of hours and on the same day on the 18th, the pernicious ideological, programmatic and political link between the rhetoric warmongering promoted by broad radical circles of conservatives of the Republican Party who promote the intervention of the United States Armed Forces in Mexican territory, with the trivial pretext of confronting and liquidating Mexican criminal organizations dedicated to drug trafficking (fentanyl). Explicitly, they have referred to new generation and to the gangs of Ismael Zambada and those of Joaquín Guzmán’s children.

The events I am referring to are: First, Donald Trump’s massive rally in New Hampshire. There I literally stated, among other extravagances, that “migrants poison the blood of the United States. They destroy our values.” The reaction even came from politicians of Latin origin in the Republican Party and, as expected, from the White House that went far: it assimilated Trump’s speech to those expressed by Adolf Hitler. No more no less. In this way, the presidential candidate for the third time promised a strict deportation program in addition to guaranteeing the impossibility of the transit of migrants, wherever they come from.

The second was the widely publicized agreement signed by Greg Abbott, where for the simple appearance of “looking like a migrant”, the corresponding authorities of that former Mexican territory will be able to simply deport people who, to the best of their knowledge, could be migrants. . In this way, whether due to the way they walk, dress, speak, eat or meet, they may be classified as “migrants” so that the corresponding documentation is requested to prove their legal stay in the United States. Yes, you read it correctly: it will be enough to “look like a migrant” to be detained, interrogated and, if necessary, deported.

To the above, we must add the decision of several US border authorities to intermittently close the railway crossings between both nations, with the argument of the massive illegal transportation of migrants from various parts of the world. Above all, after it was announced that at least 12 people from countries outside the American Continent had tried to cross into the United States, carrying explosives. Although their destructive capacity was not reported, the so-called “migration alerts” were immediately triggered, to add to what can well be called a notable political and ideological trend that identifies the migration of Mexican men and women, above all, more as a real risk than as an opportunity for the trade and economy of that country.

If it is true that President López Obrador disqualified and even announced diplomatic actions against the law signed by the governor of Texas, unfortunately, that will not be of much use, since xenophobia, racism and supremacism are the main fuel of the electoral platform of the Republican Party and therefore of its main leaders/candidates, as is the case of Donald Trump. A real challenge posed by the simultaneity of the presidential elections is the United States and Mexico.

We will have to analyze and even study carefully what the two main candidates for the Presidency of the Republic express in the long electoral race that lies ahead of them. Mere rhetoric or even worse, evasive attitudes, will work against their aspirations to reach the National Palace.



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