When will the SNTE strikes be in Oaxaca – El Sol de México

Oaxaca. Section 22 of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) took place this Monday in the capital of Oaxaca a march and a 24-hour work stoppage which involved the suspension of classes in 766,259 basic education schools in more than 11,300 schools in the entity.

The demonstration by the entity’s teachers began this morning from the monument to Juárez, at the exit to the Sierra Norte, towards the capital’s Zócalo, to demand from the federal governmentamong other things, the total repeal of the 2019 educational reform, salary increase, job stability, as well as the reinstatement of teachers dismissed.

The state assembly of teachers agreed this weekend three staggered strikes in April and Mayin addition to a possible indefinite strike, which will be determined next week.

According to the call, a contingent covers the negotiation table in Mexico City and tomorrow, Tuesday, classes will resume throughout the state.

When will the SNTE strikes be in Oaxaca?

For the days April 22 and 23, they will carry out a strike of 48 hours throughout Oaxaca; while the strike 72 hours will take place on days May 6, 7 and 8.

On April 25, a dialogue table is planned with Section 22 of the SNTE and for the 26th, 27th and 28th of the same month, the fourth national congress.

On May 1st they will deliver their petition and will hold another march in the city of Oaxaca.

He 15 th of Maydepending on the activities and work tables, the outbreak of a indefinite work stoppage.

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