With the help of AI it is possible to detect potentially problematic workers – El Sol de México

The processes of staff pick They are a combination of art and science to predict people’s behaviors at work. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) He took with him tools to increase their effectiveness by reducing margins of error, saving time and money by making them more efficient.

Fernando Senties, CEO of Amitaispoke with El Sol de Méico about the use of AI to identify potentially problematic job candidates.

“We use two models in the application of the evaluations o honesty surveys: facial recognition that identifies six emotions: anger, fear, disgust or disgust, happiness, sadness and surprise. And a study to identify how those emotions correlate with answers to questions,” she stated.

In an interview, to learn how it is detected through the facial features the behavior of humans, expressed:

“Facial features by themselves are not necessarily related to people’s dishonest attitudes. What, through the extensive experience we have of evaluating people with psychometry, was to apply the facial recognition model of Google and the 6 emotions that it identifies, we correlate with the questions and answers that the candidates gave us in the evaluations.”

We found some very interesting results, where there was a correlation between lies when the person was surprised, they had a very high correlation with certain emotions that were shown.

We implement that technology on our platforms. In the evaluation or interview of a candidate, the system takes multiple photographs to review the changes that exist in that survey or interview and we can find when they lie, when they are afraid to tell the truth and when they exaggerate and things like that, said the specialist.

And are the emotions transmitted by the face reflected?

-Yeah that’s right. That’s how it is. Several companies and one of them, in Googlewhich through billions of photos collected over time, identify 6 basic emotions: anger, fear, disgust or disgust, happiness, sadness and surprise.

Those that we found and that have the greatest correlation with the negative aspects that we evaluate are: anger, fear and surprise.

How do these very internal feelings manifest themselves on the face?

-It is the most important and most valuable thing in the selection. Because people can control their responses in a survey; but he can’t the reactions of his facial features.

That is to say, if you come across a surprising situation on the street, you are not going to stop your face from showing it. So, that’s the advantage: because this gets out of people’s control and gives much greater reliability to people’s reactions and correlating them with the answers they give us.

When we did a study in thousands of evaluations, we realized where emotions directly correlated with certain questions or certain answers. For example, to the question: Have you taken anything from the company without consulting?

Then, the person shows fear, the fear of being discovered. The things that the brain processes when a person feels the fear of being discovered.

And we found those correlations. We weight them and they give us more reliable results. Thus, you make decisions to hire or reject people based on that information.

It is very important because the processes are a legal requirement to reduce companies their administrative, criminal or labor responsibility when there is an act of lack of probity by any of the employees.

More certainty when hiring personnel

Is there now more certainty to choose candidates for any position?

-Exactly. What we try to do with 24 years of experience at Amitai Honesty is to try to detect people’s anti-productive behaviors.

Year after year, studies are carried out and improvements are made, but never has such a radical change been made now that the AIa model that is highly approved worldwide,

Especially because it is not biased due to race or religion. The manifestations of emotions are exactly the same everywhere and in all races.

The truth about this is that it is wonderful. It helps a lot to make much more accurate predictions of how people behave.

In other words, there are no differences between Asians, Caucasians, Nahuas or Argentines?

-No. It is a single model universal which shows that indeed, the emotions we manifest and how we manifest them in our facial features are exactly the same for everyone.

And does this mean savings for companies?

-Savings in the sense that the processes are more accurate. That is, they do not need to invest in selection efforts when they cannot be certain of how the person will act. AI helps make processes more agile and more accurate. Indirectly, it saves money.

Will it eliminate the inclinations toward dishonesty that many people carry with them?

-The person’s tendency will not change. Knowing the person does not change them. What it does is that companies reduce the fact that the people they hire are not going to fall into acts of lack of probity.

This is important because the Federal Law of Administrative Responsibilitiesin its Article 25, says that in order for a company to reduce its administrative responsibility in an investigation, it must have a Integrity Program which contains several requirements.

One of them is precisely to have recruitment and selection processes that help identify people who are potentially problematic for the company. And it also helps to prevent companies from recruiters respond to employer surveys.

This was happening. The surveys were always answered by the recruiters of Human Resources. They agreed to their preferences, who they wanted to stay. That is, they manipulated them. That can no longer be done with facial recognition. That is now impossible.

Is the use of AI already spreading in the recruitment of labor personnel?

-It’s something very new. We use the AI on the phone for financial analysis. In Human Resources it is something new. I would say that we are pioneers in this. There are companies that use it in various things.

To my knowledge, AI has not been common in recruiting before now. It took us two years to do the studies. And the results have been, thank God, very positive.

And the truth is that this is just beginning. There is so much to do. And like everything, it takes time.

Is the analysis for people’s knowledge becoming more in-depth?

-Of course, and every year they are more reliable and more accurate! In fact, it is a bit similar to what after September 11 in the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, they began to install facial recognition cameras to try to identify people’s emotions.

At that time, the model was made by FBI and the United States investigation agencies, which they identified as probable behaviors.

We have facial recognition and emotion recognition. And that makes it much easier. Eventually, the idea is applied in some places like China that have cameras throughout the city that take pictures of people who are on the street.

And they realize if people have some bad intention by their facial features whether or not to assault someone. That’s the trend.

This has its counterpart: Problems with human rights because people are monitored against their will and photographed. And in some more advanced countries, they question people’s privacy.

In fact, the US forces TikTok for an American company to acquire it because they use all the information they collect from people for espionage.

They are technological advances to the extent that they can be applied. In our case there are no limitations because people give their consent and become a part of the selection process over time when applied to surveys.

The only thing that makes it different is that when the person accepts and gives consent, the camera turns on and the system automatically does the process, sends it and does the correlations and everything else. All automatic.

Does it look fascinating?

-That’s the phrase! We explore. We are pioneers, but the message is that there is much to do. And this is going to evolve, even faster than we can digest it in our minds, said Amitai CEO Fernando Senties.

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