Xóchitl Gálvez commits to creating the National Care System – El Sol de México

The candidate for Strength and Heart for Mexico, Xóchitl Gálvezmade the commitment to the creation of the National Care System, which includes day care centers, full-time schools and cultural activities for children “stay busy, stay away from drugs“, while mothers work.

Likewise, he said that Schools will be created for children with disabilities, highlighting the problem of giving them an adequate education.

The program also includes care for older adults through the project “Universities of Life“, where they can go, receive classes and live with other older people, This combined with the visit of health personnel who go to the homes to verify that they are cared for.

The flag bearer addressed the message to the workers of “The Walnut Tree“, a company that has operations in Ciudad Juárez within the framework of the campaign it is carrying out seeking to reach the Presidency of the Republic, whose votes will be in June.

After the event, he will have a meeting with supporters at the University Gymnasium of the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez (UACJ)which will begin at 1:00 p.m.

Note published in The Herald of Chihuahua

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