Xóchitl Gálvez meets with Felipe Calderón in Madrid – El Sol de México

Madrid.- The Mexican opposition candidate for the July presidential elections, Xóchitl Gálvez met this Sunday in Madrid with former president Felipe Calderón and with groups of Mexicans residing in Spain.

Own Calderón recounted his meeting with Gálvez in a message on his social network account along with a photo in which both politicians appear together.

“I was very pleased to greet my admired and dear friend @XochitlGalvez this morning in Madrid. She addressed, among others, the problems of education, health and, above all, insecurity in Mexico. She invited all Mexicans abroad to register to be able to vote in these elections,” the former president says in the message.

In another publication in X, Calderón explains that the candidate of the Broad Front for Mexico also met this Sunday in the Spanish capital with several groups of Mexicans.

“Here is part of his message where he refers to the insecurity that exists in the country. ‘The president decided to give hugs to the criminals and (the) bullets have been for the citizens,'” indicates the former Mexican president.

Gálvez is in Madrid on a brief visit after his trip to the United States, during which he will meet with businessmen, social organizations and representatives of the main political parties.

Her idea is also to “make it clear in Spain that there is an important future relationship with Mexico,” after “this pause,” according to what the candidate, who would have liked to visit other countries in the Union, said in an interview with EFE. European, “but the days were not enough.”

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Even so, he did not want to only give importance to the relationship with his neighbors in the United States, “which is a lot”, since “it is also important commercially and culturally with Europe, and especially with Spain, since countless things unite us.” .

“I believe that if we cannot change the past, we can change the future,” said Gálvez, who tomorrow will participate in an event organized by the Alliance for Ibero-America Business Council (Ceapi).

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